
Food Pack Programmes

NTUC First Campus partners with Food From the Heart (FFTH) to provide food ration to needy families through its School Goodie Bag Programme.


  • Food ration packs consisting of basic and daily necessities such rice, cooking oil and canned food are delivered to the residential homes of KidSTART families every month. KidSTART families will receive one food ration pack, regardless of the number of children enrolled in My First Skool centre.



The food rations serve to supplement their meals and ease financial burdens faced by low-income families.

Who is eligible?


To be eligible:

  • Monthly gross household income of $2,500 or less; or $650 per capita or less (applicable to 5 or more members in the household)
  • KidSTART families enrolled at selected My First Skool centres

How to apply?


Kindly contact KidSTART Practitioner Joey at [email protected] or +65 8322 6601 to apply.