Home > Our Preschools

Our Preschools

As a leading provider of preschool services in Singapore, NTUC First Campus offers exemplary preschool programmes carefully designed to meet your child’s developmental needs. We recognise that selecting the right preschool is a momentous decision. Our committment is to deliver outstanding infant care and childcare services that empower every child to fulfil their potential, while offering families the support they require to nurture their child’s development.

Preschool Services

Infant Care

2 to 17 months


18 months to 6 years

Preschool Services

Infant Care

2 to 17 mth


18 mth to 6 yr

Programme Levels

Infant Care (IC)

2 to 17 months

Playgroup (PG)

18 months to 2 years old

Nursery (N1 to N2)

3 to 4 years old

Kindergarten (K1 to K2)

5 to 6 years old

Programme Levels


2 to 17 mth


18 mth to 2 yr

N1 to N2

3 to 4 yr

K1 to K2

5 to 6 yr

Operating Hours

Generally, our preschools operate from Mondays to Fridays, from 7 am to 7 pm, and on Saturdays from 7 am to 2 pm.

Note: For further information regarding the operating hours of your preferred centre, kindly refer to the respective centre’s page for more details.


My First Skool
Little Skool-House


My First Skool
Full-day infant care: $1,235/mth*
Full-day childcare: $680/mth*

* Before subsidy for children who are Singaporean and before GST. It is based on ECDA’s Anchor Operators Scheme (AOP) fee cap (My First Skool is an Anchor Operator funded by the Early Childhood Development Agency).

Note: All fees are subject to revision. Additional charges for registration, uniforms, and insurance may be applicable.

Little Skool-House
For POP Centres:
Full-day infant care: Up to $1,290/mth^
Full-day childcare: Up to $720/mth^

For non-POP Centre fees, please contact Little Skool-House directly.

^ Before subsidy for children who are Singaporean and before GST. It is based on ECDA’s Partner Operators (POP) Scheme fee cap.

Note: All fees are subject to revision. Additional charges for registration, uniforms, and insurance may be applicable.


All parents with Singapore Citizen children enrolled in infant care and childcare centres licensed by ECDA are eligible for a basic subsidy. For working applicants, the basic subsidy is S$600 per month for full-day infant care, and S$300 per month for full-day child care. For non-working applicants, the basic subsidy is S$150 for both infant care and childcare. Additional subsidies are also available with means testing specifically for working mothers.

For more information about preschool and childcare subsidies, kindly refer to this link.

More than 170 Preschool Centres Across Singapore

NTUC First Campus provides a network of preschool centres throughout Singapore, offering convenience and choice to meet the needs of every young family.


Explore media coverage on our preschools

Quality Preschool Education

Driving Quality in Preschools: The Role of Anchor and Partner Operators in Singapore

Navigating the Preschool Maze: A Guide to the Various Preschool Options in Singapore Choosing quality preschool education for your child is a crucial decision that sets the foundation for their future learning and development. Given the extensive array of preschool options in Singapore, this undertaking can be overwhelming for parents,…


Intergenerational activities are bringing seniors and toddlers together to form friendships and bonds across ages

Seniors and children at My First Skool at Blk 180B Boon Lay Drive playing a game of fishing during one of the sessions of the Intergenerational Programme. In an article about the rise in intergenerational programmes in Singapore, TODAY featured NTUC First Campus (NFC) and NTUC Health’s Intergenerational (IG) Programme,…

NFC in the News

NFC teachers clinch 2 awards at the 2024 Preschool Chinese Language Storytelling Aids Competition

Storytelling aid ‘Time travel to Singapore’ by teachers Yu Jiao and Qi Feng Xian from My First Skool at Blk 209 Ang Mo Kio bagged the third prize at the 2024 Preschool Chinese Language Storytelling Aids Competition on July 13. The teaching aid showcases Singapore’s past, present, and future through…

NFC in the News