August 28, 2020
Generativity: Establishing and Nurturing the Next Generation

Caymania Lay Teng Low, Cheryl Ching Ling Lim, Hia Soo Boon, Thang Leng Leng, Thian Ai Ling
Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, Jul2019, Vol. 17 Issue 3, p368 – 379.
Journal Article
Continuing Care Retirement Communities, Elder Care, Health Promotion, Human Services Programs, Intergenerational Relations, Life Skills, Mental Health, Offices of Mental Health Practitioners (except Physicians), Old Age, Parent-Child Relationships, Singapore, Well-Being
Dementia, Generativity, Intergenerational Programming, Pilot, Retrogenesis, Senior Care, Singapore
Ongoing engagement with society and having a supportive environment are important protective factors for our mental wellbeing. Through meaningful engagement with children, seniors feel valued, empowered, and have a renewed sense of purpose. This is a health-promoting measure in enhancing and maintaining senior’s functional abilities and wellbeing. To support an ongoing engagement, National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) Health’s Silver Circle Senior Care Centre (SCC) and a co-located childcare (My First Skool) in Singapore jointly developed and piloted an intergenerational (IG) collaboration programme. This paper describes the development, interventions and lessons learned from a senior care perspective.
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