NTUC First Campus buffers families from rising costs amid inflation
29 May 2022

Mr Ng, a school bus driver, had to tighten his purse strings when petrol prices rose significantly in the last few months. He had to reduce the pick-ups he made to save on petrol costs, impacting his overall income.
Mr Lee’s family also shared that they made a conscious choice to only purchase canned food, instead of fresh ones, to save costs.
These two families, whose children attend My First Skool, and are enrolled under the KidSTART Programme, were then able to receive social support from NTUC First Campus (NFC).
NFC’s Child Support Model (CSM) provides a holistic, multi-pronged approach to support children from low-income and vulnerable families. NFC’s Child Support Services (CSS) department supports two groups of children – children from low-income and vulnerable families, as well as those with learning and developmental needs.
Having an in-house CSS team, such as Child Enabling Executives (CEEs) and Therapists, ensures that support is provided holistically for every child, and resources can be shared across all our pre-school centres.
In an interview with CNA, CEE, Sarah Ismail, said that about 10 families have approached NFC for more social support during this time. Tapping on our emergency fund, our CEEs can provide families with assistance packages, curated based on the parents’ needs.
To help parents stretch their dollar, NFC has continued to invest in providing high-quality pre-school education to ensure our children get the most out of school. We have done so in several ways – expanding My First Skool’s Home Learning Programme to complement the in-centre pre-school experience and expanding our in-house capabilities in our CSS and Child Development (CHD) departments.
Media Coverage:
- Channel 5 News (29 May 2022) 12:35 – 13:06
- CNA (29 May 2022) 06:52 – 07:22
- Channel 8 News (29 May 2022) 13:38 – 13:53
- Surita Berita (29 May 2022) 03:05 – 03:16
- 8world.com (29 May 2022): https://www.8world.com/singapore/cpi-on-education-1820746
- Berita Online (29 May 2022): https://berita.mediacorp.sg/singapura/pusat-pendidikan-pengayaan-cari-jalan-tangani-inflasi-663501
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