Map Your Child’s Adventure

Holiday Camps / Difficulty Levels

Recommended camps to build our child’s appetite for adventure progressively


Difficulty level

4 – 7 years old

Perfect for new explorers


Difficulty level

7 – 9 years old (new & returning)

Preferrably have attended 2 Beginner camps


Difficulty level

9 – 12 years old

Preferably have attended 1 Beginner and 1 Intermediate camp OR ≥ 2 Intermediate camps

Beginner Camps

Choose this camp for:

  • Exploration & Appreciation of the natural environment
  • Develop risk assessment and safe judgement skills
  • Challenge own limits & boundaries – Responsibility, Resilience, Risk-taking
  • LS – Risk and safety management, conflict management, problem solving and critical thinking

  • Real-life Role Playing Game
  • Improvisational First Aid
  • Forage through wilderness & identifying wild life
4 - 7 y/o
s$330 before GST
3 days
Coming Soon
  • Perfect Primary 1 transition Camp
  • Get acquainted to nature & wildlife in this well-paced camp
  • Hones resilience & ‘I Can Do It’ spirit
4 - 7 y/o
s$330 before GST
3 days
Coming Soon
  • Getting young children to push limits & take risks
  • Overcoming fears & embarking on missions
  • Learn about empathy & care for self and others
4 - 7 y/o
s$330 before GST
3 days
Coming Soon
  • Great introductory camp for children who have not done a nature hike before
  • Search and protect precious local flora and fauna, and what these resources can be used for
  • Defeat the enemies in a Grand Water Battle! Our troopers get to put on their camo, pack their fieldpacks and get ready for battle
4 - 9 y/o
s$110 before GST
1 day
Next available: 08 Aug

Intermediate Camps

Choose this camp for:

  • Understand the relationship between themselves and the nature, themselves and the community
  • Awareness of how human actions affect the natural environment and community
  • Challenge own limits & boundaries – Responsibility, Resilience, Risk-taking
  • Life skills education – TIme management, financial management, emergency preparedness, Risk and safety management, conflict management, problem solving and critical thinking
  • Teamwork

  • Survival skills to keep child safe outdoors
  • Develop perserverance and focus through activities
  • Acquire much needed skills for P1 transition
7 - 9 y/o
s$330 before GST
3 days
Coming Soon
  • For explorers who love the water
  • Outdoor Science Lab adventure
  • Exploring Singapore water reserves
7 - 9 y/o
s$330 before GST
3 days
Coming Soon
  • Exploring Singapore via the MRT
  • Discovering our heartlands & its residents
  • Inter-generational activities & experience
7 - 9 y/o
s$330 before GST
3 days
Coming Soon
  • Exploring SG neighbourhoods by Train
  • Learn about food security & innovative urban farming in SG
  • Hone critical-thinking and negotiation skills
7 - 9 y/o
s$330 before GST
3 days
Coming Soon
  • Optimal exposure to wilderness for the young adventurer
  • Foster team work & camaraderie through a mission
  • Learning to problem solve and take risks
7 - 9 y/o
s$330 before GST
3 days
Coming Soon
  • Staycation without parents!
  • Shopping, cooking & BBQ experiences
  • Glamping experience with friends
7-9 y/o
s$380 before GST
2 days
Coming Soon
  • Tropical Christmas-themed adventure
  • Perfectly-paced with right amounts of outdoor exposure for first timers
  • Enchanting forest to get acquainted to Singapore’s flora, fauna and wildlife
7 - 12 y/o
s$330 before GST
3 days
Coming Soon
  • Ultimate survival camp this holiday!
  • Visit Singapore’s only marshland
  • Experience unique wildlife living in the Wetland & Marshes
7 - 9 y/o
s$330 before GST
3 days
Next available: 05 Aug - 07 Aug

Advanced Camps

Choose this camp for:

  • LS – Leadership series
  • (Personal Vs Team Leadership)
  • Display ecological intelligence
  • Personal leadership: Take responsibility for all aspects of individual’s life and lead it in the direction that is best for them
  • Team leadership: Be more collaborative, more authentic and more engaged when achieving a goal.

  • Only camp based in OBS Pulau Ubin for 9-12yo
  • Strong focus on personal & team leadership
  • A “Masterchef + Dragon’s Den” experience rolled into one
9 - 12 y/o
s$430 before GST
3 days
Coming Soon
  • Experience the last kampong in Singapore
  • Up close & personal with nature & wildlife
  • Going ‘overseas’ with fun bumboat ride
9 - 12 y/o
s$430 before GST
3 days
Coming Soon
  • Kids Overnight Camp = Parents Date Night!
  • Night walk adventure
  • Glamping experience in lush country club
9 - 12 y/o
s$430 before GST
Coming Soon


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